AOL/AIM Screen Shots:Screen Shot | Description |
 | E-Mail send to beta testers when 8.0 was announced. *NEW* |
 | AOL 8.0 Section of KW: Beta *NEW* |
 | AOL 8.0 Mail Window. |
 | AOL's Message after they fixed a CL Exploit. |
 | AOL's Employee Central. *NEW* |
 | Funny AOL Invoke! (Invoke: 40-25194) |
 | AOL's Hidden Credits. I forgot the Invoke. *NEW* |
 | After the above, I signed off and tried re-signing on. |
 | SS I took of AOL's Standards of Business Conduct. |
 | Nothing much, just a message AOL displayed after they had changed the numbers. |
 | Weird error I got while trying to switch my screen name on AOL 5.0. |
 | Vulnerable Flash File AOL left up. |
 | More of the above. |
 | SS I took of ESS.AOL.COM from an AOL CL. |
 | This is what your AOL 5.0 Star Tool looks like when AOL kills all of its good options. |
 | AIM 4.8.2540 Sign On Screen |
 | AIM 4.8.2540 About Screen |
 | AIM 4.8.2540 New User Screen |
 | AIM 5.0.2867 Sign On Screen *NEW* |
 | AIM 5.0.2867 About Screen *NEW* |
 | AIM 5.0.2867 Expressions Screen *NEW* |
 | AIM's "Universal" buddylists. |
 | AIM SysOp's Control Group. |
 | More of the effects low memory has on AIM. |
 | Weird thing that you can do on AIM 4.3. AIM crashes when you try to do this on 4.7+. |
 | Hidden Buttons On AIM. Left: New IM Window | Right: Chat Invite | Discovered By Xak. |
 | Hidden Buttons On AIM. Left: New IM Window | Right: Chat Invite | Discovered By Xak. |
 | Hidden Buttons On AIM. Chat Invite |
 | In the middle of a conversation with a friend using AIM, this popped up. |
 | 'Screen Name' label of Sign On Screen scrambled. |
 | This is just AIM's Mini-Ad when it didn't load. *NEW* |
 | This popped up while I was Directly Connected. |
 | This was really weird. Take a look. |
 | This is from when AIM Today was hacked. I took a bunch more SS, but they all corrupted! =\ *NEW* |
 | This happened to my AIM one time I opened it. |
 | This is just a funny thing I noticed while messing with AIM SysOp. |
 | Something happened to make my AIM say I was idle. (No I wasn't using the hexed idlemon.dll) |
 | More of the above. |
 | The same thing happening with another user. |
 | Weird AIM 4.8.2790 Error. Submitted By: Xeon *NEW* |