F.A.Q. About Me: For more information, goto the About Me page.
How is your handle/alias pronounced? It's pronounced just like my name... it's just spelled with an 'X'. (It is grammatically correct. An 'X' at the beginning of a word is pronounced as a 'Z'.)
What is your favorite cereal? Resee's Peanut Butter Puffs!
What is your favorite color? Red.
What is your favorite type of music? Metal. More specifically Death Metal, Heavy Metal, and Black Metal. But I like most all types of metal.
Who is your favorite band? Slipknot.
General F.A.Q.:
Will you host my site? There is a 99% chance that I won't. The few sites I host now are either my own or my friends' sites. Also bandwidth is a big issue.
Can you make me art? I can, but most likely, I won't. The reason is that I'm not all that great with Photoshop.
Will you make me a layout? Simply put, No. Sorry...
Will you help me install a CGI script? It all depends on what script it is. If it's newspro, I will install it if I'm in the mood.
Can you write a PHP script for me? If it's something simplistic and easy I will if I'm not busy.
Want to trade links? Sure, goto the Link Me page.
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