Have Tricks That Aren't Here? Click Here To E-Mail Me, And I'll Put Them Up.
NOTE: I do not use AOL 6.0 or AOL 7.0, so there won't be as much individualtricks for AOL 6.0/7.0. If you have any, you would be helping me out a lot.
America Online - AOL 6.0 Tricks |
Cheat Rate Limits |
If you have violated the IM rate limits, you can no longer send IM's until you sign off of AOL. To continue to IM people, you can use the away message and keep changing what you want it to say. |
IM Smiley Trick |
Highlight some text in the conversation part of an IM. Goto the Smilies and choose a Smiley. All of the text you selected will be replaced by that Smiley. |
Stay Idle |
Turn your Away Message ON. |
America Online - General Tricks |
Change AOL's Caption (Permanently) |
Open version.inf (It's in the folder AOL is installed in). You should see something like this: [Application Information] Application=aol.exe Version=5.0 Build=156.93a
[Goodies] InstallCount=0 InstallPhx=cdboot.phx CDTitle=TRYAOL CDMessage=America Online CD-ROM [Installation Date] date=01/01/01 time=21:48:53 Add "OEM=" under build and then the caption. |
Favorites Spy |
On the Sign On screen, select the Screen Name the you want to see the favorites of, and click on 'Favorites'. ***Note: You can edit them and everything! *** |
Ghosting |
Goto your Buddy List, click 'Setup', then click 'Privacy Preferences', select 'Block all AOL Members and AOL Instant Messenger Users'. Under apply, select 'Buddy List and Instant Messages'. |
Idle Forever |
Open up Napster and leave it there and you will be idle for as long as you want. |
Kill Hourglass |
When there is an hourglass, move the hourglass over the 'Help' menu and double click on it until the menu comes up. Now, click 'About America Online'. When the about window appears, click 'OK'. |
Screen Name Edit |
Open AIM, select '', then click 'Sign On'. Now, select 'Use AOL Screen Name'. When the site loads, just finish the process to make you AOL Screen Name AIM useable. Log on to AIM using the AIM name, goto 'My AIM' -> 'Edit Options' -> 'Format Screen Name...', then change it.
***Note: It will only show up this way on Buddy Lists and IM's, not in chats. You can only change uppercase/lowercase and spacing. Also, if your AOL Screen Name has Parental Controls, you can't make it on AIM. *** |
Sneak Into KidsOnly Chats |
Goto KeyWord: KO, then go to 'Chat', then to the right hand side of the list of numbers you will see a window and it will say 'More KO Rooms', then click it and something pops up, click 'GO' then another window should popup with a bunch of KO Chats, if you leave that window open passed 12:00 AM you can go into KO Chats! ***Note: Watch out for TOSKids.*** |
Stay Idle |
AOL recently took down KeyWord: quickmenu, and smile4u. Now use KeyWord: news. |
America Online - Instant Message Tricks |
Blank IM |
<html></html> or hold down ALT and press 0160. |
IM Lag |
Before every letter: </pre></html><html></html> ***Example: Z</pre></html><html></html>a</pre> </html><html></html>k</pre></html><html> </html>s</pre></html><html></html> </pre> </html><html></html>R</pre></html><html> </html>e</pre></html><html></html>a</pre> </html><html></html>l</pre></html><html></html>m*** |
IM Manipulate |
1) Type in what you say 2) Hit Enter 3) Copy their screen name into your text box 4) Type in what they say. ***Note: Remeber to change the font and colors***. |
Turn IMs On/Off |
In 'TO:' $IM_ON or $IM_OFF. Then click 'Send'. |
Wavy Letters |
Copy and Paste: <sup>LETTER HERE</sup>LETTER HERE<sub>LETTER HERE</sub>LETTER HERE |
America Online - Chat Room Tricks |
Blank Line |
<html></html> or hold down ALT and press 0160. |
Chat Lag |
Before every letter: </pre></html><html></html> ***Example: X</pre></html><html></html>A</pre></html><html></html>K*** |
HTML Error |
</html><xmp></pre> |
Private Room Bust |
In the Address Bar: aol://2719:2-2-Room Name, Hold down enter for a while then release. ***Note: Holding down enter too long violates the rate limits.*** |
=Q Error |
=q |
Wavy Letters |
Copy and Paste: <sup>LETTER HERE</sup>LETTER HERE<sub>LETTER HERE</sub>LETTER HERE |
Remove Link Underline |
< a href="http://www.Domain.com"></u>www.Domain.com< /a> |
Roll Dice |
//roll ***Note: This will roll 2 6-sided dice.*** |
Send A Link |
< a href="http://www.Domain.com">www.Domain.com< /a> |
Super Dice Roll |
//roll-sides999-dice15 ***Note: This will roll 15 999-sided dice.*** |
America Online - E-Mail Tricks |
Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) |
Put ( ) around each E-Mail Address you type in an E-Mail. |
Color Bomb |
Copy and Paste in an E-Mail as many times as you can: <html><body bgcolor="#ff8000"> </html> <body bgcolor="#000000"> </html> <body bgcolor="#00FF00"> </html> <body bgcolor="#000000"> </html> <body bgcolor="#800080"> </html> <body bgcolor="#0000ff"> </html> <body bgcolor="#80ff80"> </html> <body bgcolor="#000000"> </html> <body bgcolor="#000080"> </html> <body bgcolor="#00ff00"> </html> <body bgcolor="#0000ff"> </html> <body bgcolor="#00FF00"> </html> <body bgcolor="#008000"> </html> <body bgcolor="#ffA500"> </html> <body bgcolor="#ff4500"> </html> </html> |
E-Mail Validator |
Put a * before the Screen Name. ***Example: *, UserSN*** |
America Online - Profile Tricks - *Space-Sensative* |
Cut Off Text |
Tutorial on making Cut Off Text. |
Disappearing Text |
Tutorial on making Disappearing Text. |
Hidden Text |
Tutorial on making Hidden Text. |
Moving Text |
Tutorial on making Moving Text. |
Sliding Text |
Tutorial on making Sliding Text. |
Add New Catagory |
Press 'Control + Backspace', to make a . Type in the New Category. ***Example: Category:*** |
Bold Text |
<H7>Text Here</H7> |
Center Justification |
< p . align center> |
Change Background Color |
< body . bgcolor=#000000> |
Change Font Color |
< font . color=#00FF00> |
Change Font Size |
< font . ptsize=14> |
Change Font Type |
< font . face=Arial> |
Change Heading Font Size |
< H1>TEXT HERE</H1> - Biggest < H2>TEXT HERE</H2>- Bigger < H3>TEXT HERE</H3> - Big |
Change Link Color |
< body . link=#00FF00 alink=#00FF00 vlink=#009900> ***Note: link = Link, alink = Active Link, vlink = Visited Link*** |
Color Tables |
1) Add a Body Background Color at the top of your profile. 2) Add the Table code after the Background. 3) Add another Body Background below the Table.
***Example: < body . bgcolor=#000000>< body . aolmailheader>< body . bgcolor=#000000>*** |
Horizantal Line |
< img . src=id=x width=515 height=2 datasize=1> |
Highlighted Text |
< font . back=#9f9f9f> |
Hyper Link |
< a . href= http://www.Domain.com> www.Domain.com < /a> ***Note: Only for URLs under 26 characters. For long URLs, use the 'Longer Links' trick.*** |
Insert a Break |
< P>, < BR>, - CTRL + Backspace ***Note: Just Like Pressing Enter*** |
Italicized Text |
< font . face=Lucida Sans>TEXT HERE ***Note: To End: < font . face=Arial>*** |
Left Justification |
< p . align left> |
Longer Links |
If your URL is longer than 26 characters, Use the Hyper Link code and put < u> every 26 characters. ***Ex: http://www.ZaksRealm.< u>com/*** |
Pop-Up Box |
< a . href= aol://1391:TEXT HERE/> LINK TEXT HERE < /a> ***Note: 15 character limit.*** |
Profanity |
***<XMP>* ***Note: Replace the *'s with the word. MIGHT VIOLATE TOS!*** |
Remove Category |
< p In the previous category after all of your text, in the beginning of the next category put: > before all of your text. |
Right Justification |
< p . align right> |
Show Profile HTML |
< xmp> - I take FULL credit for this. I NEVER seen it on any other site. Discovered 3/29/01 By Xak. |
Special Characters |
XX; - Replace XXX With An ALT Code - I take FULL credit for this. I NEVER seen it on any other site. Discovered 3/29/01 By Xak. ***Note: Only shows up on AOL 6.0 and AOL 7.0*** |
Tables |
< body . aolmailheader> ***Note: Makes a white box with a thin border*** |
Extended ANSI Characters |
I saw this method on another site. Except this method you hold down ALT and then type the CHR code. This works on all AOLs I think.
This table shows 'allowed' characters in Green and 'illegal' characters in Gray. ***NOTE: Using illegal characters will erase the field the character is used in, produce junk, or prevent you from updating your profile altogether. To put a character in your profile, hold down the ALT key, type the corresponding 4-digit keycode for the character, and let go of the ALT key. You must type the keycode on the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard.***
À 0192 | Á 0193 | Â 0194 | Ã 0195 | Ä 0196 | Å 0197 | § 0167 | Þ 0222 | ð 0240 | ® 0174 |
© 0169 | ™ 0153 | à 0224 | á 0225 | â 0226 | ã 0227 | ä 0228 | å 0229 | × 0215 | ƒ 0131 |
˜ 0152 | … 0133 | ¡ 0161 | ¿ 0191 | È 0200 | É 0201 | Ê 0202 | Ë 0203 | Æ 0198 | Œ 0140 |
ª 0170 | ß 0223 | Ð 0208 | £ 0163 | ¢ 0162 | ¥ 0165 | è 0232 | é 0233 | ê 0234 | ë 0235 |
æ 0230 | œ 0156 | ¹ 0185 | ² 0178 | ³ 0179 | ¼ 0188 | ½ 0189 | ¾ 0190 | Ì 0204 | Í 0205 |
Î 0206 | Ï 0207 | ‰ 0137 | ¤ 0164 | • 0149 | º 0186 | ° 0176 | · 0183 | ì 0236 | í 0237 |
î 0238 | ï 0239 | » 0187 | « 0171 | › 0155 | ‹ 0139 | ˆ 0136 | ¸ 0184 | Ò 0210 | Ó 0211 |
Ô 0212 | Õ 0213 | Ö 0214 | Ø 0216 | 0173 | – 0150 | — 0151 | ¯ 0175 | † 0134 | ‡ 0135 |
ò 0242 | ó 0243 | ô 0244 | õ 0245 | ö 0246 | ø 0248 | ‘ 0145 | ’ 0146 | “ 0147 | ” 0148 |
„ 0132 | ¨ 0168 | Ù 0217 | Ú 0218 | Û 0219 | Ü 0220 | Ÿ 0159 | Ý 0221 | ± 0177 | ¬ 0172 |
¦ 0166 | ù 0249 | ú 0250 | û 0251 | ü 0252 | ÿ 0255 | ý 0253 | Ç 0199 | ç 0231 | Š 0138 |
š 0154 | Ñ 0209 | ñ 0241 | | | | | | | |
Non-breaking space: | 0160 | Tab: | 0009 | Carriage return: | 0895 |
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