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Misc. Screen Shots:
Screen ShotDescription
This is from when FaithHill.com was defaced. This is nothing now since the exploit is known. There were a bunch of us in #AOL-Files and someone came in and listed whoever's nick was in the channel. My nick was alm-files, but I DID NOT hack the site. Click Here to see the HTML file from my cache.
I got bored with my school's geometry program in 9th grade. (This was before they took away my account.)
I got bored with my school's geometry program again. (This was before they took away my account.)
What my Windows 98 Start Menu looked like when I was really low on RAM.
My Windows 98 Start Menu with 8's.
I guess it's true when people say weed is evil. ;-x
Low RAM and a shitty graphics card.
Low RAM and a shitty graphics card, AGAIN.
I was emulating some old ass version of Mac OS.
I was emulating Mac OS 8.
Visual Basic 1.0 for DOS.
How I became an AOL-Forum.com Administrator.

Gmail Screen Shots:
Screen ShotDescription
My original Gmail Invitation. *NEW*
Gmail Beta Sign Up Page. *NEW*
Successful Account Creation. *NEW*
Gmail Inbox. *NEW*
The greeting E-Mail you receive. *NEW*
Compose Mail Page. *NEW*
You see that red link when you have Invites. *NEW*
This is what the Invite page looks like. *NEW*
What you see when you visit a used Invite link. *NEW*
These are some "bugs". *NEW*
See *NEW*
My *NEW*
Gmail *NEW*
Article. -> Here *NEW*

AOL/AIM Screen Shots:
Screen ShotDescription
E-Mail send to Beta Testers when 8.0 was announced.
AOL 8.0 Section of KW: Beta
AOL 8.0 Mail Window. (This is from an AOL Internal Document, I didn't take this SS, I just extracted it.)
AOL 8.0 New Installer Beta
What's new in AOL 9.0 Plus.
What's new in AOL 9.0 Plus.
What's new in AOL 9.0 Plus.
Installing AOL@School.
AOL@School Sign On Screen.
Connecting with AOL@School.
AOL 3.0 for Mac About Window.
Away on AOL for 796 minutes (13.2 hours.)
AOL and it's damn billing errors.
AOL Blue Hawaii Beta KW.
AOL Blue Hawaii System Requirements.
AOL welcomes you with pot.
AOL has some Burning Issues.
AOL's Message after they fixed a CL Exploit.
Main AOL Companion window.
Small AOL Companion window.
AOL's Employee Central.
Funny AOL Invoke! (Invoke: 40-25194)
AOL's Hidden Credits. I forgot the Invoke.
AOL Music Net Beta KW.
AOL's new chat rooms.
Ejected users list.
Atleast they programmed in some common sense.
Description of the Blue Lightning Bolt.
I lost access to KW Beta. This is what I now see.
AOL signed me off.
After the above, I signed off and tried re-signing on.
Profanity control.
SS I took of AOL's Standards of Business Conduct.
Nothing much, just a message AOL displayed after they had changed the numbers.
Weird error I got while trying to switch my screen name on AOL 5.0.
New notifications.
New notifications.
Vulnerable Flash File AOL left up.
More of the above.
AOL Voice Mail Beta KW.
SS I took of ESS.AOL.COM from an AOL CL.
This is what your AOL 5.0 Star Tool looks like when AOL kills all of its good options.
SN Xaky suspended from AOL@School.
AIM 4.8.2540 Sign On Screen.
AIM 4.8.2540 About Screen.
AIM 4.8.2540 New User Screen.
Info lookup rates in AIM 4.8.2790. Submitted By: Xeon
AIM 5.0.2867 Sign On Screen.
AIM 5.0.2867 About Screen.
AIM 5.0.2867 Expressions Screen.
AIM 5.0.2867 Without A Password Box.
AIM 5.1.3036 Blank Buddylist.
AIM Test Buddy Buddy List Window. (Taken By Myth)
AIM Test Buddy About Window. (Taken By Myth)
AIM Test Buddy Connection Window. (Taken By Myth)
AIM Test Buddy Administriva. (Taken By Myth)
AIM Test Buddy Preauthorize User. (Taken By Myth)
Blank pop up window I received.
Low RAM caused this.
AIM's "Universal" buddylists.
AIM SysOp's Control Group.
More of AIM on low memory.
Weird thing that you can do on AIM 4.3. AIM crashes when you try to do this on 4.7+.
Hidden Buttons On AIM. Left: New IM Window | Right: Chat Invite | Discovered By Xak.
Hidden Buttons On AIM. Left: New IM Window | Right: Chat Invite | Discovered By Xak.
Hidden Buttons On AIM. Chat Invite.
AIM IM bug in newer versions.
In the middle of a conversation with a friend using AIM, this popped up.
This is what's known as an IM Pop Up. It a trick that works on old versions.
This was before multi-sessions were allowed.
'Screen Name' label of Sign On Screen scrambled.
AIM without an IM textbox.
This is getting old.
This is just AIM's Mini-Ad when it didn't load.
This popped up while I was Directly Connected.
This was really weird. Take a look.
I was connected to AOL with dialup and a single household phone line.
This is from when AIM Today was hacked. I took a bunch more SS, but they all corrupted! =\
This happened to my AIM one time I opened it.
This is just a funny thing I noticed while messing with AIM SysOp.
Something happened to make my AIM say I was idle. (No I wasn't using the hexed idlemon.dll)
More of the above.
AIM Windows XP exploit allowing you to restart someone's computer. (Taken By Dave)
Screen Shot accidentally posted on AOL.com!
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