Article: Introduction To Gmail
Written By: Xak
Written On: 06-30-04

Well, for those of you who haven't heard about G-Mail yet, it's a free E-Mail service provided by What's unique is the fact that they give you 1 Gigabyte (1 GB = 1000 MB) of space. They do this because they feel you should never have to delete any E-Mail. They actually encourage you not to. You can delete mail if you want to, but there is no guarentee that it will be gone forever. Even though the link says "Delete Forever", that's not exactly true. The mail may still be archived on the server somewhere. But enough about that, I am going to show you several screen shots of my interaction with the G-Mail service.

[Click Thumbnail For Full Image]

This is the original invite I reveived.

Gmail Beta Sign Up Page.

Page you see after you successfully make an account.

The Inbox.

The greeting E-Mail you receive.

Compose Mail Page.

You see that red link when you have Invites.

This is what the Invite page looks like.

What you see when you visit a used Invite link.

Here are some "bugs" in the Gmail Account creation system. These are real. You just have to either experience it for yourself of believe me. At the time that this article was originally written, if you would simply check a bunch of different usernames for availability, you would eventually get results like these. They appear to be someone else's results. If you were to click the button again, it would work as normal.

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