Win 9x VCACHE Settings VCACHE (Virtual Caching Protocol) is the dynamic disk cache system in Windows 9x. 32-bit VCACHE replaces the 16-bit Smartdrive system driver. VCACHE is a hard disk Disk Cache system that is dynamically sized by Windows. The cache size is based on the current available memory. Unfortunately, Windows can misallocate memory for the disk cache and the dynamic sizing can result in extra overhead computations for the microprocessor, waste available memory and cause disk thrashing. By being dynamic, it can use all available RAM and page the running apps to disk instead of flushing the cache! Using a static or fixed disk cache setting based on your computer usage and memory would prevent frequent swapping of the data to disk resulting in improved performance. To override the dynamic cache configuration, you specify a fixed minimum and maximum size for the cache. The 2 parameters MinFileCache and MaxFileCache, (measured in kilobytes) found in the [vcache] section of the SYSTEM.INI control the size of the VCACHE. Steps Open SYSTEM.INI Look for a [vcache] section If you are sure there is not one, add it Add the following two lines to the [vcache] section MinFileCache=x MaxFileCache=x Set the above x values (both of them) to about 25% of the amount of installed RAM Close Windows Reboot There are more options. Try setting the maximum cache size to 1/8 of you system memory, and set the minimum cache size to 1/2 the maximum. For example, if you have 128 meg of memory installed set the maximum cache size to 16 meg and the minimum to 8 meg. VCACHE also adjusts the set aside so that when burning a CD you don't have to wait on the I/O bus for the next block of data causing a buffer under run. If you have a CD Burner, set the MinFileCache equal to the MaxFileCache value as in the above example.