Speed Up Your Connection Speed - Lucent Technologies Do you own a Modem with the Lucent Technologies (LT) Modem Chipset? Is it listed as a LT Win modem? If so, here is a trick that has worked for me. Most 56k v.90 modems also support KFlex technology. Turning off the appropriate S register effects the downstream rate. S38 is the enable/disable KFlex register. S38 =0 disables KFlex (by default it is 1 or on). You can check any S register status by typing Sn?, where n=register. Result, new connection speeds jumped from 26,400~28,800 bps to as high as 48,000+ bps! Steps: Open the Control Panel Choose Modems Click Properties Click on the Connection Tab Click the Advanced Button In the "Extra Settings" Box, type S38=0 Try at least two dial/connect attempts. If there is no change, just remove that line.