General Dial Up Networking Tips Does it seem like forever to logon to your ISP? These are simple tricks to speed up your PC's DUN. By default, your system's is set to run many network protocols. If you are using a modem to connect to the Internet, then all you need is "Dial-Up Adapter" and "TCP/IP". But keep "Microsoft Family Logon" because it can store your password. Steps: Double click "My Computer", open the "Dial-Up Networking" folder and right click on your connection and select "Properties". Click the "Server Type" tab, and under "Advanced options", uncheck "Log on to network". Next under "Allowed network protocols", uncheck "NetBEUI" and "IPX/SPX" (leave TCP/IP checked!) and close the window. Now go back under "Control Panel", double click on the "Network" icon. Highlight the "Dial-Up Adapter", and click "Properties". Click on the "Bindings" tab, and uncheck all items in the list other than TCP/IP. Close all associated windows. Reconnect to your ISP.