Getting Sentimental as F*ck, Spillin' Guts to You
Posted By: Xak - 11:58 PM EST - Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Site News: Up until tonight, access to this version of the site was kept within a small circle of friends. I have now linked to it from the main page! Since we no longer live in an 800x600 world, this required a few more tweaks. The site now displays even more like it originally did! I'm using a 40" TV as a monitor and it looks great!
17 Years Later, I'm As Rude As Jude
Posted By: Xak - 08:46 PM EST - Saturday, August 19, 2023
17: So yeah, it's been 17 years since I posted an update here! I still have that same email address, though! ;-)
Site News: Ok, so approximately 1 year and 2 months ago, in June 2022, I quietly revived this version. My ultimate plan is to restore all versions of as a memorial of sorts. Currently, versions 6.0, 5.0, 4.2, and v1 are online. That leaves v3.1, 3.6, and hopefully I have a version of 2.x somewhere! IIRC, The biggest difference between 3.1 and 3.6 is 3.1 was the last version before I converted the site to PHP. I'll likely only restore one 3.x version.
Flash: Thanks to this amazing project called Ruffle, an emulator for SWF (Flash) files, you can now safely view the Flash animations hosted here in all their glory! My stumbling upon this is what led to this update!
Challenges: I just did some tweaking to v4.2 the other day to get it more in line with what it used to look like back in the day. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript have all changed slightly in 20 years... go figure! Due to the differences in technology, I'm not going to obsess over trying to get the sites to look EXACTLY how they used to, just pretty damn close. Screen sizes and resolutions have come a long way since 640x480 and 800x600!
Old Posts: I removed most of the old posts. I was a teenager back then and they're just so cringe. I was venting about family and relationship issues in ways that a teenager would. I'd like to let that part of my past, stay in the past. Not only that, but society as a whole was a bit different back then, and some things that were more socially acceptable to say back then are no longer acceptable. What I'm trying to say is some things have been edited or re-phrased slightly. The web as a whole isn't nearly the same as it used to be. This website was around before smart phones and the modern versions of social media! Aside from that, I'm leaving everything as it was for historical purposes.
E/N Scene: was part of a web scene known as E/N, or Everything/Nothing. Basically just a bunch of random stuff (loosely) organized into a website.
Hit Counter: I lost the data for the old hit counter, so the counter was restarted when I revived this version.
What To Expect: If you're feeling nostalgic, you can expect this site to scratch that itch! Possibly even making your feelings of nostalgia spead like poison ivy! Aside from visual/performance tweaks, don't expect updates. has been retired for some time. It even spent a good amount of time completely offline. I will keep a small log here of said tweaks, though!
AIM Is Alive (Kinda): Thanks to services like Phoenix and NINA, AIM has been revived, too! Because of this, I couldn't help but create My SN is 'Xak' on both services. Send me an IM like it's 1999!!!
Posted By: Xak - 03:52 PM EST - Thursday, October 5, 2006
What's Up?: Today I cleaned up dead affiliates and other dead parts of the main page. Nothing exciting.
Affiliates: I'm always looking to affiliate, so send me an email or IM.
ZaksJournal: - read up on stalk me.
Months Later - BLAH!
Posted By: Xak - 09:32 PM EST - Monday, July 17, 2006
What's Up?: So like a week ago, I made a new entry. BUT, I come to find out that apparently, a backup was restored and all the files are from over a year ago. That doesn't mean much since I haven't really updated the site since then. I just lost a few other projects I've uploaded.
Restoring: Right now I'm working on fixing the site structure, but that's all that really needs done.
ZaksJournal: - read up on stalk me.
Another Post Within The Same Week?!
Posted By: Xak - 03:54 AM EST - Monday, March 27, 2006
What's Up?: Since I made the last post, I decided to start working on the next version of this site again! It really pisses me off that I've been so lazy with it for 2 years!
What I Did: I redid the coding for the main layout. I was able to reduce the code needed by about 30%. I've learned a few new tricks in the past years, haha. I also updated the original 25 pages I had filed away as 'finished'. And started working on a few other pages.
DEFINATELY: THE NEW VERSION WILL DEFINITELY BE UP WINTHIN 2 MONTHS! But you know how long I've been saying that!! Haha. I'm gonna try this time.
Sleep: Yeah it's 4 AM, and I gotta goto sleep!
Posted By: Xak - 11:10 PM EST - Friday, March 24, 2006
WHAT--WHERE--WHEN?: Yes, I am here and still alive. Does anyone even read this shit anymore? If you are reading this, you're a fuckin' PIMP for still visiting this site. The truth is, I've been busy for a long-ass time. And when I get free time I never think of this site. It just needs so much work done. So here's the deal. About 2 years ago I started to redo the site... never finished. Never work on it. Will I ever? Who knows.
You've Got Some 'Splaining To Do: Well I've been working mostly. When I'm not I'm doin' other shit. Like Juggalo gang-bang-paint-taggin' -- the wicked shit.
WHA--Are You On Crack?: No officer, I am totally drug free. I just smoke Menthol like a fucking DOUBLE STACKED chimney.
So... Do you work on ANY fucking websites any more?: Yes mother fucker! I've been working on this shit that's gonna make you be like 'DAMN! This is the nicest shit I've ever seen. Here Zak, let me give you some $$$'. So here's the shit I've been working on.
Rejectz: This is a browser based RPG game. I'm sure you've all seen them. Well, nothing Like Rejectz. I have been putting more work into this game than I put into my Senior Year of High School. I have coded over 5,000 lines so far and I'm not even close to being done. This has been ongoing for about a month now.
urPSP: I've been lending my assistance to this very nice website. It is THE MOST COMPLETE PSP FILE DATABASE you'll ever find!!
PS2NFO: If you don't know, PS2NFO is a great resource for PSP/PS2 information. It's a very large news and forum website. The guy who runs this gem also runs urPSP. So check them both out! Since my last posts, I have been made a Staff member of PS2NFO. Check it in a few days for my review of the Xenium Gold 24K SP modchip for the X-Box.
Outta Here: Well I'm off. But I will try to keep this updated more often, its been 5 months since my last update, haha. But if you do read this, message me on AIM: "ZAKS".
P.S. This site also a nice new URL.! Both will work for now!
I'm Fuckin' Hungry!
Posted By: Xak - 10:22 PM EST - Thursday, October 13, 2005
Work: I worked 12 PM to 5 PM today. Short shift, but I was bored as hell. Tiff worked today so I stayed in the house. It's nice to get to relax.
Food?: Up until 5 minutes ago, I hadn't eaten since by break at 2:30 PM. And let me tell you, I was hungry! So what-the-fuck? Around 6:30 PM I asked my mom is she would grace us by cooking. (haha!) She said there's nothing to make. So I just said fuck it and went to play Ultimate Spiderman. So after talking to Tiff she told me to go make something. My options were eggs and a PB&J. So I made both. Seriously, all we have is eggs and PB&J. And it's a damn blessing that there's peanut butter in this house. My sister's a goddamn buffalo. My mom just bought that PB the other day and it's almost gone. And now that I am surprisingly able to be full after a shitty PB&J and 2 eggs , I decided to rant about it.
Zak's Journal: Well since I obsess over privacy, I need to work some things out with my paid-host (which I've had for like a fuckin' year and pretty much haven't used!!) It seems they're redoing their site so their E-Mail is down and I don't want to release the new site until I get some things fixed. But yeah. It's basically ready, and most of the random bullshit I type will be focused there.
ANOTHER SITE: YES! I started a new little project. I recently obtained, so I wrote a nice subdomain for it. If you goto that URL it will crash AIM like crazy. So add to your profile or away message!
Wednesday Morning
Posted By: Xak - 07:27 AM EST - Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Work: I work this morning. 8 AM - 3 PM.
After: I'm suppsed to go to the Mall with Tiff.
Homecoming: Homecoming wasn't bad at all. We met up with Nickie and her date there. I'll have pictures soon.
Picture Archive: Yeah, it's outdated as hell. So I started working on all of the pictures. I have about 500 or more pictures to add! I am also going to write a nice PHP script that will handle the archive for each of the 3 sites that use it for total syncronization.
PSP: Yes, I keep talking about the PSP. Well since a few days ago, I have become one of the maintainers of I will be helping to neatly organize all the Utilities that have been released for the PSP.
PS2: Since last post, I have received my Swap Magic 3.6 set and a Flip Top PS2 Lid. I will be writing a tutorial on how my installation turned out. I started playing Ultimate Spiderman the other day. It's a great game. I haven't liked a game this much for a while.
ANOTHER SITE: YES! I started a new little project. I recently obtained, so I wrote a nice subdomain for it. If you goto that URL it will crash AIM like crazy. So add to your profile or away message!
YEAH, I Forgot To Upload This!
Posted By: Xak - 03:31 AM EST - Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I Forgot: Yeah so almost a month ago I made a post about where I've been and I forgot to upload it!
JC! It's Late: ...Or is it early? So why am I writing this at 3:30 AM? I can't sleep. I have to work at 8 AM, too. Even worse, I gotta start walking at 7:30. Which brings me to the next little section. ->
Mom's Outta State: Yeah so my mom decides she wants to take a vacation. Yeah leave me here to deal with her daughter. She's in New Jersey right now. To be more precise, Atlantic City; and she's probably still awake at this moment gambling like a zombie! Haha. She's not coming back until late Thursday night. No, no parties here, really.
Homecoming: Tiff's senior homecoming is this Saturday, so OFCOURSE I'm going. I don't mind, I just hate dances and all.
Insomnia: I've been staying up anywhere from 4 AM to 7 AM recently. Oh well, I was trying to fall asleep for the past 2 hours. No luck. Looks like I'm stuck with a handful of caffeine pills for tomorrow. It's onyl 7 hours of work. =(
PSP: I am really into this handheld. It's all about the homebrew and emulators for now. I have a 1.5 firmware for your PSP users. I am hoping to get a 2 GB chip before christmas. You know what that means!
PS2: Yeah this PSP has gotten me back into video games. I just recently bought a PS2 Network adapter. And I am waiting for a flip-top PS2 case and Swap Magic disc set to come in. I think it came, but I needed to show ID and I was at work so I got one of those papers saying I need to go pick it up at the post office.
THE SITE: I just don't know what it is... It just seems like theres SO MUCH I need to do to this site, which there is! That's why I dont even wanna think about finsihing it. Hah. This site has been up for so long, I can't let it die now. I don't even know what this site would be classified as. Everything/Nothing? Most of the sites like this that I visited are now dead. I MUST KEEP ZAKS REALM ALIVE!
CONTACT ME: E-MAIL ME OR LEAVE ME A MESSAGE ON AIM (ZAKS)! It would be inspiring to get messages from visitors. It'll encourage me to finish the stuff I started like last year, and trust me it's good shit. But just let me know there's someone out there that wants to see it!