Anti-Asterisk7.11 KBRemoves asterisks (*'s) from text boxes.
DVD2PPC Resetter6.32 KBUseful tool for DVD2PPC. See the ReadMe.txt.
EchoChat v1.011.3 KBProgram I made out of boredom. Talk to yourself.*
I'm Bored155 KBProgram I compiled with VB1 out of boredom.
Insanity Annoyer 2.040.9 KBNewer Version.
Insanity Annoyer34.8 KBExcellent annoyer for AIM.
Kill Typed URLs4.85 KBName explains it.
List Shit 2.211.5 KBVery helpful if you use a lot of lists.
Mini-Maze7.76 KBCheap little maze game I made.
Mr. B Utton7.94 KB2022 Update: Link removed because it was a semi-malicious prank!
My Mouse Mover6.41 KBMoves mouse around for the specified amount of time.
PC Registration5.63 KBChange who your computer is registered to.
WhoIs You?7.66 KBLets you see who registered a domain name.
ZR AIM Recovery8.24 KBZaks Realm AIM Password Recovery. AIM 4.7-
First Delphi Program185 KBMy first program made in Delphi! =-D
All of my programs are made in Visual Basic unless otherwise stated.

* There is one known bug:
If line clearing is ON then the "." commands don't work. This program wasn't serious so there's no use in fixing it.

There are so many programs that I have started, just never finished... Maybe I'll get to it someday.
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