*.*Denotes all files in the working directory.
*.EXTDenotes all documents ending in the specified extension (*.TXT lists all text files in the directory.)
ANSI.SYSDefines functions that change display graphics, control cursor movement, and reassign keys.
APPENDAllows programs to open data files in specified directories as if they were in the current directory.
ATTRIBThe command is short for ATTRIB -a -h -r - s *.* (Removes all attributes of a file.)
BREAKSets or clears extended CTRL+C checking.
CD(Change Directory) is a command used to switch directories in MS-DOS.
CHCPDisplays or sets the active code page number.
CHKDSKChecks a disk and displays a status report.
CLSCommand which allows the user to clear the complete contents of the screen and leave only a prompt.
COMMANDStarts a new instance of the MS-DOS command interpreter.
COPYAllows the user to copy one file from one source to another.
CTTYChanges the terminal device used to control your system.
DATEDisplays or sets the date.
DBLSPACESets up or configures DoubleSpace compressed drives.
DEBUGStarts Debug, a program testing and editing tool.
DEFRAGReorganizes the files on a disk to optimize the disk.
DELOLDOSDeletes the OLD_DOS.1 directory and the files it contains.
DELDel which is short for delete and is a command used to delete files permanently from the computer.
DELTREEDeltree is a command used to delete files permanently from the computer.
DIRThis lists all files including hidden files, does not work in Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP.
DISKCOMPCompares the contents of two floppy disks.
DISKCOPYCopies the contents of one floppy disk to another.
DOSKEYEdits command lines, recalls MS-DOS commands, and creates macros.
ECHODisplays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.
EDITAllows a user to view, create and or modify their computer files.
EMM386Enables or disables EMM386 expanded memory support.
ERASEDeletes one or more files.
EXITQuits the COMMAND.COM program (Command Interpreter).
EXPANDDecompresses one or more compressed files.
FASTHELPProvides summary Help information for MS-DOS commands.
FASTOPEN directoriesDecreases the amount of time needed to open frequently used files and directories.
FCCompares two files or sets of files, and displays the differences between them.
FDISK /MBRRecreates the Master Boot Record See CH000175 for additional information.
FDISK /QPrevents fdisk from booting the system automatically after exiting fdisk.
FDISK /STATUSShows you the current status of your hard drives.
FINDSearches for a text string in a file or files.
FORRuns a specified command for each file in a set of files.
FORMAT /AUTOTESTFormats the hard drive without any prompting.
FORMAT /BACKUPLike /AUTOTEST but it will ask you for a volume label.
FORMAT /Z:nUsed with FDISK. Supports FAT32. Used to specify the cluster size in bytes. (N is multiplied by 512.)
FORMAT.COMFormat is used to erase all of the information off of a computer diskette of fixed drive.
GRAPHICSLoads a program that can print graphics.
HELPProvides complete, interactive Help information for MS-DOS commands.
INTERLNKConnects two computers via parallel or serial ports.
INTERSVRStarts the Interlnk server.
KEYBConfigures a keyboard for a specific language.
LABELCreates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk.
LHLoads a program into the upper memory area.
LOADFIXLoads a program above the first 64K of memory, and runs the program.
LOADHIGHLoads a program into the upper memory area.
MDCreates a directory (Also MKDIR).
MEM /A or /ALLAdds a line into the MEM command tells the available space in HMA.
MEMMAKERStarts the Memmaker program, which optimizes your computer's memory.
MODEConfigures a system device.
MOREDisplays output one screen at a time.
MOVEAllows you to move files or directories from one folder to another or from one drive to another.
MSAVScans your computer for known viruses.
MSBACKUPBacks up or restores one or more files from one disk to another.
MSDProvides detailed technical information about your computer.
NLSFUNCLoads country-specific information.
PATHDisplays or sets a search path for executable files.
PAUSESuspends processing of a batch file and displays a message.
PINGHelps in determining TCP/IP Network IP addresses.
POWERTurns power management on and off.
PRINTPrints a text file while you are using other MS-DOS commands.
PROMPTChanges the MS-DOS command prompt.
QBASICStarts the MS-DOS QBasic programming environment.
RDRemoves a directory (Also RMDIR) .
REN / RENAMEUsed to rename files and directories from the original name to a new name.
REPLACEReplace files.
RESTORERestores files that were backed up by using the BACKUP command.
SCANDISKA disk analysis and repair tool that checks a drive for errors and corrects any problems that it finds.
SETDisplays, sets, or removes MS-DOS environment variables.
SET DIRCMD=0Will make all directories hidden however still accessible, to get them back SET DIRCMD=.
SETVERSets the version number that MS-DOS reports to a program.
SHAREInstalls file-sharing and locking capabilities on your hard disk.
SORTSorts input.
STORY.*Denotes all the files that are called story regardless of the extension.
SUBSTAssociates a path with a drive letter.
SYSCopies MS-DOS system files and command interpreter to a disk you specify.
TIMEDisplays or sets the system time.
TREEGraphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path.
TRUE NAMEPut before a file will display the whole directory which it exists.
TYPEDisplays the contents of a text file.
UNDELETERestores files previously deleted with the DEL command.
UNFORMATRestores a disk erased by the FORMAT command.
VER /RTells you the Revision and if DOS is in HMA.
VERIFYDirects MS-DOS to verify that your files are written correctly to a disk.
VOLDisplays a disk volume label and serial number.
VSAFEContinuously monitors your computer for viruses.
XCOPYHas the capability of moving files and directories from one destination to another.
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