Action | HTML/JavaScript |
Add Favorite - Adds a site to their favorites. | |
Advanced Text Effects - Advanced but really cool text. | |
Alert Button - A message box pops up when clicked. | |
Change Background Colors - Changes the Background Color. (Put in the <head> tag.) | |
Clock - Put in your HTML where you want the clock to be. | |
E-Mail w/ Subject Link - Adds a subject to an E-Mail link. | |
Fixed Background - Makes an image background stay still while scrolling. | |
Glowing Text - Adds a glow to the text. | |
History Buttons - When clicked you go back or forward. | |
Link Alert - Alerts when the Mouse goes over it. | |
Mail Button - Button to send E-Mail. | |
Mouse Over - When the mouse is on your link it shows a message in the status bar. | |
Mouse Marquee - Scrolls a marquee next to the mouse. | |
No Focus - Removes that dotted border. (Like on my site. EX: My Navigation and all links.) | |
No Right Click - Prevents the most popular way of stealing source. (Put in the <head> tag.) | |
Open C:\ - When clicked it will open their C:\ | |
Pop-Up Message - A Confirm Pop-Up when the page loads. (Put in the <head> tag.) | |
Text Highlight - Highlights the text. | |
Text Type - Types out the text. |