Picture | Description |
Bad Kermit | Kermit and a stuffed rabbit. |
Big Eater | This kid is hungry. |
Circus Fun | A day at the circus. |
Heart Candy | Heart candy phrases. |
Install Cancer | Quick! *NEW* |
Pinch | Treat her like a woman! *NEW* |
Spider Dance | Spider-Man doing a gay dance. *NEW* |
Tooth Ache | A possible cause for tooth pain. |
$200 Bill | Newest currency! Story: Some counterfeitor made this and some dumbass cashed it! *NEW* |
Alf Kid | He looks so funny! *NEW* |
Anal Exams | I'd hate to goto this school. |
Angry Rabbit | Funny comic strip! *NEW* |
AOL Label | Label from an AOL Trial CD I received. *NEW* |
Arkansas Truth | Arkansas tells the truth. |
Baby Cloned | Technology these days... *NEW* |
Baby Eminem | Could it be a baby wanna be Eminem? |
Bad Santa | Alternate to coal for Christmas. |
Beats Meat | Nobody... BUT NOBODY... *NEW* |
Beaver 69 | Funny road sign. *NEW* |
Mechanic | Have her fix your car. |
Bird Seed | I saw this on the bird seed my mom bought. |
Boob Doll | THE BEST TOY!!! |
Big Brains | Good thing they're not brains. |
BuckTooth Baby | This is pretty funny. |
Camel Toe Cup | Hahahaha! *NEW* |
Candy Story | A great story. |
Cat Finger | Possibly related to my cat... |
Chicken Head Nugget | All I can say is.. HAHAHA! |
Cock Polishing | New service. *NEW* |
Copycat Pie | Some people never learn... |
Deer | This is pretty sick. |
Troubled Man | A VERY desprate and sick man... |
Elephants | Elephants... |
Movie Listing | Could this have been an accident? |
Farmer Sign | Perverted farmers! |
French Fry | A confused caterpillar. |
Fu King | Chinese restaurant. |
Fuk Mi | Gotta love those Chinese. *NEW* |
Head X-Ray | There are 2 heads in this picture... *NEW* |
Hot Dog | Tasty! |
Hyeena | I love how they always laugh. |
Internet Chat | I swear this is true. |
Jablowme | Interesting name change. *NEW* |
Kangaroo | He wants you. *NEW* |
Keep Out | I want this for my door! |
Lady Bugs | 2 Lady Bugs goin' at it. *NEW* |
Lunch! | Funny! |
MegaFlicks | Video Store. *NEW* |
M&Ms | M&Ms... *NEW* |
Monica Dog | Bill Clinton's dog. |
Not Long Enough | Pick a better password. *NEW* |
Nun | I highly doubt this nun is looking at Online Scriptures. |
Nun Bong | I wonder what this nun is doing. *NEW* |
OD Cat 1 | That darn cat! |
OD Cat 2 | This one is the "Town Drunk" |
Office Assistant | Good old MS Word. *NEW* |
Pidgeon Shit | I hear it's a good book. *NEW* |
Press CTRL+A 1 | Press CTRL+A!! *NEW* |
Press CTRL+A 2 | Press CTRL+A!! *NEW* |
Pubic Mower | Funny tattoo. *NEW* |
Puke | No Comment |
Pumpkin Puke 1 | Silly pumpkins... *NEW* |
Pumpkin Puke 2 | Silly pumpkins... *NEW* |
Pussy Hills | Coincidence? *NEW* |
Nuts | This is also sick, but funny. |
Sesame Street | I knew it!... |
Siesta | Mexican tanning. *NEW* |
Soccer | I would really hate to be this guy. |
Squirrel Test | Bud-Weis-Er Wins! |
Stiff Nipples | Another service. *NEW* |
Street Names | The address of a porn star maybe? |
Twinkie Towers | You'll be offended... It's just a joke! *NEW* |
Vacuum Bear | HAHAHA! |
Vagina Bottle | X-Ray... *NEW* |
Warn A Brother | If you see the cops.. |
Bad Mew | My Cat, Mew, and his sock! RIP |