E-Mail Me If You Have Contest Ideas.
Contest 4: Write the best informative article on any informative subject. This contest will end on or around 05-31-2004.*
Prize 4: Spotlight Advertising on EVERY page for one (1) month!
* This date is subject to change based on level of interest.
Past Contests:
Contest 3: Extract The Mystery File. Below you will see an image, there will also be a link to download the image in a ZIP file. There is something special about this image... it has a file embedded in it. I will tell you this, the file is a text file and the password for it is the filename of the image [not including the period and the extension].
Prize: An OFFICIAL ZaksRealm.com Contest Winner T-Shirt.
Surprise Prize: $5.00 & Burned CD Of Winner's Choice.
Start Date: 12-07-03 | End Date: 12-31-03 | Winning Date: 12-18-03
DOWNLOAD THE ZIP- Other: Conversation Excerpts
- Embedded File [After Contest Won]
- Contest Taunt SS
Winner: Vice
Contest 2: Create The Best 88x31 Button. Preferable colors are green and black, but you can do whatever you want. This contest will last until July 25, 2002 but I may make the deadline earlier. The button has to say "Zaks Realm" or "ZaksRealm.com" or "www.ZaksRealm.com".
Prize 2: 3 Character Screen Name
Winner: Elppin
Contest 1: Take A Screen Shot Of The 5,000th Hit.
Prize 1: For the 5,000th hit - Two (2) weeks of Advertising on the Main Page and in posts, or Posting on the NewsPro (You Can Advertise).
Winner: Pr0jekt
Screen Shot: Here