Article: Fun At Restaurants
Written By: Xak
Written On: 04-12-04

This article will be about the fun things you can do at restaurants. This is another article for the truly bored.

Straw Snake: Before you take the paper off of the straw, crinkle it up on the straw so when you take it off it's under an inch long. Now, take your straw and put it in your drink. Put your finger over top of the hole so you trap some liquid in the straw. Hold the straw over the crinkled paper and let out a drop. I SAID A DROP ASSHOLES. ;-P your paper should start to grow. Let out a few more drops. Since you're done with the snake, throw that soggy fucker at one of your friends... or a complete stranger!

Salt Burn: I'm sure you've heard of this one. Sprinkle a good amount of salt in a pile on your arm, now take one of your ice cubes and hold it on your arm. Keep it there for 5 or so minutes. You should feel a strong burning sensation. Now wipe off the water and salt. It should turn really red within an hour or so. It'll leave a mark there for months. Pointless? Yes. I still have a mark from about 2 years ago... it's almost impossible to tell it's there though.

Cat Call: If you're eating Chinese, meow like a cat... but don't be obvious. Look around at the other customers, see if anyone looks up or leaves because of it.

Coke Lines: Leave a "coke line" of salt or sugar... or spell out messages.

That's all I have for now. Possible future updates to this.

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