Article: Fun With Foil Gum Wrappers
Written By: Xak
Written On: 04-12-04

This article will be about the fun things you can do with foil gum wrappers. See what boredom drives people to do?

Rocket Poppers: First, take the foil wrapper and flatten it out. Now, take your index finger (best if it's on your weaker hand) and wrap the foil around the tip of it (make sure the foil is longer on the horizontal). Be sure to leave about half of the verticle so you can twist it and make a point. Now you should have something that looks like my picture. Once you have the Rocket Popper made, and need you need you make a circle with your thumb and all of your fingers. It's easier to do this using your weak hand, you'll see why. Now put the Rocket Popper in the circle and adjust your circle to hold it up. Not too tight, and not too loose. Now, cup your strong hand and hit the bottom of your other hand. If you did this correctly, it should send the Rocket Popper up in the air. It takes practice. If you think it's hard to learn this from an article, it's just as hard for people to learn when I show them in person. Maybe in the future I can get a video clip up... until them look below.

Foil Peeling: You can also carfully peel the foil off the backs of Wrigley's gums. I said Wrigley's because their foil sticks to stuff. I've seen people cover the whole side of notebooks and folders doing this.

CinnaBurn!: Take the foil wrapper from a cinnamon gum. Now lick the paper side. Stick it on your forehead and leave it there for a minute or two. Feel the burn? If you leave it there long enough, it'll leave a mark.

Reflector: Take the foil and get it as flat as you can. Now glue or tape a bunch of these to a notebook or something. On sunny days you can refect sunlight into people's faces or around you school classroom.

That's all I have for now. Possible future updates to this.

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