Please note that NONE of the following files are Warez or Illegal.
They are ALL either FreeWare, ShareWare, Trials, or Demos.
If you find any broken links or want to see any programs on here, contact me!

Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.1 5.49 MB Opens .PDF files. Lots of tutorials and business documents use this.
Adobe Reader 6.0.1 15.9 MB Opens .PDF files. Lots of tutorials and business documents use this.
Adobe Golive 4.0 20.0 MB Older, smaller version, but still just as good as 5.0 with a few less features, you probably wouldn't use anyways.
Adobe Golive 5.0 434 KB /
42.9 MB
Create professional dynamic-database-driven web sites. Tightly integrated with other Adobe products such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and LiveMotion. The file downloaded is 434 KB, then it downloads the real application at 42.9 MB.
Adobe Pagemill 3.0 13.0 MB Old, but still good program used to create webpages.
Adobe Streamline 4.0 1.70 MB Convert black and white or color raster images to editable postscript line art.
AIM 1.0.414 1.21 MB This is so OLD, there aren't any chat rooms!
AIM 4.7.2480 2.56 MB Latest version of AIM version.
AIM France 4.0 2.20 MB French version of AIM 4.0.
AIM Hong Kong 4.0 2.23 MB Hong Kong version of AIM 4.0.
AIM Japan 4.3 2.35 MB Japanese version of AIM 4.3.
AIM Java 1.1.19 917 KB Java made AIM. You can create plugins for this AIM.
AOL 5.0 Canada 13.8 MB Report users in private rooms.
AY Spy 1.1 181 KB Lets you "spy" on all kinds of things. IPs, E-Mails, URLs, ect.
BeOS 5.1 Personal 45.0 MB BeOS runs in or out of windows! Great alternative OS to Windows.
Buddy Icon Maker 254 KB An easy way to make buddy icons.
Capture Express 2000 705 KB Good Screen Shot taker, can save to multiple file formats.
CoffeeCup Wireless Web Builder 2.0 2.77 MB Make your website viewable from PDA's, and cell phones that have internet access.
Cool Page 2.6 2.76 MB Simple html editor. I don't use them so I have no further info.
Delphi 5.0 Enterprise Edition 76.0 MB Delphi 5 Enterprise is the high productivity development solution, and much better than Visual Basic.
DesignWorkshop 7.68 MB 3D modeling, and CAD program.
DirectX 8.0 10.9 MB Needed to run most 3D games.
Download Accelorator Plus 4.0 1.09 MB Speeds up Downloads, and also resumes downloads.
Grab It Pro 5 11.3 KB Great Screen Shot taker.
Hex Workshop 3.1 1.68 MB This is Great! One of the best hex editors. I use it!
Macromedia Authorware 5.2 32.3 MB Make rich media training and learning applications.
Macromedia Director 8 21.7 MB Create web multimedia objects like games, cartoons, movies, etc.
Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 24.1 MB I hear it's the best, but I don't use them so I'm not sure.
Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 29.6 MB Same as above, but with extra utilities.
Macromedia Fireworks 4 18.4 MB Design web graphics for your site.
Macromedia Flash 4 10.0 MB Not much diffrent from version 5.0. This has less action-scripts, and stuff.
Macromedia Flash 5 18.5 MB Make flash movies, games, cartoons, intros, ect.
Macromedia Freehand 9 13.1 MB Like Adobe Illustrator 9.0, but people say that it's better.
Morfit 3D World Builder 3.9 29 MB Make 3D worlds and scenery.
Morfit 3d Terrain Builder 2.87 MB Convert a topographical map into a 3D world.
Microsoft GIF Animator 1.00 MB Compiles Animated GIF images. I use it.
Neko 98 167 KB Animated icons follow your mouse. Nice if you like those things.
OS Change 768 KB Run 2 Windows off of the same hard drive.
Pop-Up Stopper 363 KB Allows you to stop all pop-ups. This fucks up and gives a WAOL error on AOL.
Punting Buddy Icon 1.70 KB Punts AIM users who view this buddy icon.
RAM Booster 1.6 925 KB Free up your system resources.
RPG Maker 95 6.79 MB Make your own RPG's. NO programming required!
Swish 1.51 1.68 MB Make Flash files easily. I like this.
Swish 2.0 4.62 MB Getting like flash 4 or 5, so if you want the easy way download v1.51.
Trendy Rename 11.3 KB Renames a bunch of files at once. This can be useful.
Ulead COOL 360 6.78 MB Transform your pics into 360 degree panoramas.
Ulead COOL 3D 3 12.9 MB Instant 3D titles and special effects.
Ulead MediaStudio Pro 6 33.4 MB An award winning video production tool.
Ulead Photo Explorer 6 6.17 MB Easy to use for acquiring, viewing, organizing, adjusting, converting, ect. images and video clips.
Ulead Photo Express 3 10.3 MB Enhance and share your photos with family and friends.
Ulead Photo Impact 6 23.8 MB The image editor for advanced image editing and web graphics design.
Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3 6.39 MB Reduces image sizes by 50% - 70%.
Ulead VideoStudio 4 28.6 MB Edit your home movies the easy way.
Winamp 2.72 Lite 478 KB All the features you want, and without all the ones you don't want.
Winamp 2.72 898 KB The best MP3 player.
Winamp 2.72 Full 2.16 MB This is like a Realplayer replacement. It's 1/4 the file size.
Winrar 2.71 588 KB Great compression utility.
Winzip 8.0 1.30 MB Good compression utility. I've heard WinRar compresses more though.
Winzip Self-Extractor 2.2 376 KB Make zip files that can be opened on computers without winzip.
Xara X 1.0 6.47 MB Vector drawing program, from the makers of Xara 3D.
Xenu 206 KB Checks for dead links. If you have a site, GET THIS NOW!
Yahoo Messenger 3.5 2.29 MB The latest client. I never used this before.
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