America Online Instant Messenger - General Tricks | |
4+ SNs w/o Hex Cloning | |
Use the aim.exe,,, Note: You can repeatedly open the webpages for more clones. | |
Buddy Icon Sound | |
Rename a WAV file to ''. Load it as your buddy icon. ('My AIM' -> 'Edit Options' -> 'Edit Preferences...' -> 'Buddy Icon'), and browse your PC for the WAV you renamed to ''. Select it as your buddy icon. When it's clicked, it will play the sound. Note: Only works with WAV files less than 7 KB. | |
Buddy's Away Message | |
Look at your buddy's profile while they are away. | |
Buddy's Other SNs | |
Goto: 'People' -> 'Find A Buddy' -> 'By E-Mail Address...'. Type in their E-Mail Address and click 'Next'. | |
Buddy's Sign On/Off Time | |
Keep an IM to the person open. | |
Hex Cloning | |
Download: Hex Workshop 4.23 Open the aim.exe in Hex Workshop. Use Search By Text String (Ctrl+F) to find the following text string: '_Oscar_AppMutex' When you find this text on the right hand side of the screen replace the period at the end with any character or number. Example: Before: '_Oscar_AppMutex.' After: '_Oscar_AppMutex1'. | |
ICQ # on AIM | |
Sign On AIM using your ICQ # and password. You can chat, but not IM. | |
Idle/Away Hide | |
1.) Goto: 'My AIM' -> 'Edit Options' -> 'Edit Preferences...' 2.) Under 'Privacy', uncheck 'Allow users to long I've been Idle'. 3.) Under 'Idle', type what you want your Idle message to be. Check the 'When Idle auto respond with:' box. | |
Local Info | |
Since 'SmarterChild' is no longer active on AIM, goto and use the web version. | |
Show Your AIM Status | |
If you have a site and know how to use HTML, add: <IMG SRC=""> Replace "YOURSCREENNAME" with your AIM Screen Name, and replace "online.gif" and "offline.gif" with the URL to your Online and Offline status images. | |
Your Warning % | |
Add your Screen Name to your Buddy List. You can also view your Buddy Info. |
America Online Instant Messenger - Instant Message Tricks | |
2 Hidden Buttons | |
Without a Buddy Icon:![]() With a Buddy Icon: ![]() Left: New IM Window | Right: Chat Invite These were discovered by Xak. | |
AIM 3.5 Punt String | |
̂ Note: Only works on AIM 3.5 and below. | |
Clone Punt | |
If a person is cloning, send: <sup><sub><fontsize="0">As Many Smilies As Possible</sup></sub> Note: Keep sending until the person is punted. | |
Colored Links | |
<font color="#COLOR" back="#000000" size="1"> <a href=""><font color="#COLOR" back="#000000" size="1">LINK TEXT</a> Example: <font color="#00FF00" back="#000000" size="1"> <a href=""><font color="#00FF00" back="#000000" size="1">Zaks Realm</a> Note: The background color cannot be white. This only works on AIM 4.7-. (You can send it from 4.7 to 4.8+ and it will work, but not from 4.8+ to a lower client.) This was discovered by Xak. | |
Hidden Text | |
<!-- TEXT TO HIDE --> Note: Press F2 to view the Hidden Text. | |
IM Distort | |
<a href=" ">Zaks Realm</a> Note: Enter three (3) tabs between the " " marks. | |
Non-Graphical Smiley | |
:-<!-- -->) or <b>:</b>-) |
America Online Instant Messenger - Chat Tricks | |
Blank Line | |
<!-- --> | |
Chat Distort | |
<a href=" ">Zaks Realm</a> Note: Enter three (3) tabs between the " " marks. | |
Hidden Text | |
<!-- TEXT TO HIDE --> Note: Press F2 to view the hidden text. | |
Non-Graphical Smilie | |
:-<!-- -->) or <b>:</b>-) | |
=Q Error | |
=q Note: This happens because AOL Chat Hosts use this command to restrict people in chat rooms. | |
Roll Dice | |
//roll Note: This will roll 2 6-sided dice. | |
Roll Dice (Custom) | |
//roll-sides###-dice## Note: For 'sides' use a number between 1 and 999. For 'dice' use a number between 1 and 15. | |
Super Dice Roll | |
//roll-sides999-dice15 Note: This will roll 15 999-sided dice. |
America Online Instant Messenger - Profile Tricks | |
AIM 4.0 Profile Punt | |
Rename an MP3 to info.htm. Open the directory 'C:\Windows\AIM95\Your SN\' (Or the directory where AIM is installed) and replace the 'info.htm' with the 'info.htm' you made out of the MP3. This Punts people off AIM when they view your profile. | |
Colored Links | |
Goto 'C:\Windows\AIM95\YOUR SN\' or wherever your Screen Name info is stored. Open info.htm. Where the Body tag is add: link="#COLOR" alink="#COLOR" vlink="#COLOR" Example: <body link="#00FF00 alink="#000000" vlink="#000000"> Note: Replace 'COLOR' with the Hex Color Code. This was discovered by Xak when AIM 4.7 first came out in BETA. | |
Cool Update | |
For people who have web hosting services with pop-ups, you can just rename the .html or .htm file to .txt! The HTML will still work. Example: <a href=" target="_self">LINK TEXT</a>, instead of: <a href=" target="_self">LINK TEXT</a> This was discovered by Matt Buchman. Also: If you have a NewsPro, you can use it in your profile! Example: <a href=" target="_self">New Updates</a> Don't use the HTML that AIM doesn't support. This was discovered by Xak about 2 minutes after Matt Buchman told me about the *.txt trick. | |
Extended Profile 1 | |
Goto 'C:\Windows\AIM95\YOUR SN\' or wherever your Screen Name info is stored. Open info.htm. If you know HTML then you can go edit all kinds of stuff. AIM adds as much extra HTML code as they can so that leaves you with less space. Just take out the HTML that AIM keeps repeating. Note: I'd recommend this method only for people who are Intermediate to Advanced in HTML, and know what they are doing. This was discovered by Xak when AIM 4.7 first came out in BETA. | |
Extended Profile 2 | |
Goto 'C:\Windows\AIM95\YOUR SN\' or wherever your Screen Name info is stored. Open info.htm. Where the link is add: target="_self" Example: <a href="" target="_self">Zaks Realm</a> Note: You can only use the HTML that AIM allows, anything advanced will not work. This was discovered by Matt Buchman. | |
Hidden Button | |
While the Info window is open click between 'Add Buddy' and 'Dir. Info'. There will be a chat invitation window that pops up.![]() | |
Hidden Text | |
Goto 'C:\Windows\AIM95\YOUR SN\' or wherever your Screen Name info is stored. Open info.htm. Add: <!-- TEXT TO HIDE -->. When the focus is on the info box, press F2 to see it. | |
Non-Graphical Smilie | |
:-<!-- -->) or <b>:</b>-) | |
Profile Text Images | |
1.) While in the AIM Profile editor, Right click in your text area. 2.) Goto 'Text' -> 'Font'. 3.) Select the 'Wingdings' font. 4.) You can change the text color too. Note: You can also use the 'Webdings' font. |
America Online Instant Messenger - Direct Connection Tricks | |
Note: You must have a Direct Connection with the other person for these tricks to work. To Get A Direct Connection: On the IM window go to 'People' -> 'Connect to Send IM Image'. | |
2 Extra Letters | |
While using Direct Connect: <IMG SRC="ZR ZR ZR" ID="1" WIDTH="0" HEIGHT="0" DATASIZE="0"> <IMG SRC="ZR ZR ZR" ID="1" WIDTH="0" HEIGHT="0" DATASIZE="0"> Note: Replace 'ZR ZR ZR' with the letters you want added to your Screen Name. | |
IP Steal | |
While sending or receiving a file, go to MS-DOS prompt and type: netstat -n Note: Across from your IP and your file transfer port will be their IP. | |
No Rate Limits | |
While Directly Conneted there are no IM rate limits. |