Sliding Text The sliding text trick works about the same as moving text but leaves traces of the text while it moves down the screen. Make the sex field 'No Response' and the marital status field blank. You can adjust the point sizes on the font commands to increase or decrease the move effect or you can take some of the last ones out so there is more room for regular text (but will move less). Member Name: < body . bgcolor=#000000>< font . color=#fffffe ptsize=12>Sliding Text!< html>< font Location: >< font . ptsize=15> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=20> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=25> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=30> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=35> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=40> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=45> < html>< /html>< font Hobbies: >< font . ptsize=50> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=55> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=60> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=65> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=70> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=75> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=80> < html>< /html>< font Computer: >< font . ptsize=85> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=90> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=95> < html>< /html>< font Occupation: >< font . ptsize=100> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=105> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=110> < html>< /html>< font Quote: >< font . ptsize=115> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=120> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=125> < html>< /html>< font . ptsize=130> < html>