Cut Off Text The cut off text trick is accomplished by using the Impact font at a large size in italics for the first letter, then turning italics off and putting the rest of the word. The first word I just made the letters run together. In the second half, the letter I is put after the O in black (same as the background) so that you can see the outline of it cutting off the O. I put this in the location field and changed the background color in member name just to do the example but you can put pretty much anywhere in your profile. < h3>< font . ptsize=60 face="Impact" color=#ff0000>C< /html>< html>< font . ptsize=60 color=#0000ff face="Impact">ut < html>< h3>< font . ptsize=60 face="Impact" color=#ff0000>O< /html>< html>< font . ptsize=60 face="Impact">I< font . color=#0000ff>ff